Interesting Poker Terms You Can Use To Impress Everyone – Part III

Check out these cool poker terms you can use in an offline or online poker tournament: 


Advertising is a strategy where the player deliberately shows his average hand to opponents to give the impression that he is a loose player. The opponents start considering him a weak player and giving him more chances to act. When that player receives strong cards, he can make others enter the pot easily. It is not a very effective strategy to implement against experienced opponents as they can easily read the tells when the player has a good hand.


A hand with no (zero) value.


When the player bets on a draw (incomplete hand). For example- you bet when you have four cards of diamonds and you need one more card to complete the flush.


Consistently losing the chips on the game table during a poker session. 


Making a smaller than average bet out of position to prevent the opponent from betting a big amount and making it difficult for the player to call. Players usually make this bet on the river when they feel uncertain about the superiority of their hand and want to see a cheap showdown.


The period before reaching in the money in poker tournaments. The player who gets eliminated during the bubble period does not get anything. Remaining players reach the final table to claim their share on the prize money. For example- if as per tournament’s rules only 10 final participants will get the money, the player who gets eliminated at the 11th spot will be “bubbled” (ends up without any money).


Discarding the top card of the deck before distributing cards to the players for a betting round.


Consistently getting weak (low value) cards for a long period of time during a poker session.


The last (fourth) card in the deck of a specific rank. For example- If the flop is 10 Spade, 10 Club, and 10 Diamond and you have 10 Heart, then your in-hand card is a case card.


The special bonus you receive when you deposit real money first time at a casino or an online poker website to play poker. 


The term used for unskilled players on a poker table.


The weakest player on the table. The player who does not know how to play properly and implement logic and strategies in the game


When the player is drawing in a hand and sees the next card without making a bet. For example- if your opponent is first to act and he checks, he provides you the opportunity to see the card for free (without putting more money into the pot).


Another name for ratholing. It is an unethical activity where the player takes a part of his chips off the table with the purpose of cashing it out. Players usually do that after winning a big pot to ensure that they can take home at least that amount of money which they removed from the table.


Hole Cards that are superior to cards on the board in the terms of ranking. For example- you have 10 and Q of Hearts and the flop comes 2 of Club, 5 of Hearts, and 8 of Diamond, your hole cards are the over cards (higher rank cards).


A weak hand.


A hand which became complete only after getting the required cards on both turn and river.


When players reveal their cards face-up on the table and compare their strength at the end of a betting round. The player with the best hand wins the round. Showdown happens only when more than one player remains in the game after completing all the betting rounds.

See Also – Interesting Poker Terms You Can Use to Impress Everyone-Part I

See Also – Interesting Poker Terms You Can Use to Impress Everyone-Part II

See Also – Interesting Poker Terms You Can Use to Impress Everyone-Part IV

See Also – Interesting Poker Terms You Can Use to Impress Everyone-Part V

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